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Dobrynya Kirillov
Dobrynya Kirillov

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MySQL Cluster Community Edition is available as a separate download. The reason for this change is so that MySQL Cluster can provide more frequent updates and support using the latest sources of MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition.

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Welcome to the Apache Tomcat 8.x software download page. This page provides download links for obtaining the latest versions of Tomcat 8.x software, as well as links to the archives of older releases.

You must verify the integrity of the downloaded files. We provide OpenPGP signatures for every release file. This signature should be matched against the KEYS file which contains the OpenPGP keys of Tomcat's Release Managers. We also provide SHA-512 checksums for every release file. After you download the file, you should calculate a checksum for your download, and make sure it is the same as ours.

Use the links below to download the Apache HTTP Server from our download servers.You must verify the integrity of the downloadedfiles using signatures downloaded from our main distribution directory.The signatures can be verified with ourKEYS file.

It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files usingthe PGP or SHA signatures. Please read Verifying Apache HTTP ServerReleases for more information on why you shouldverify our releases and how to do it.

GNU Emacs for Windows can be downloaded from a nearby GNU mirror; or the main GNU FTP server. Mostly simply, download and run the emacs-version-installer.exe which will install Emacs and create shortcuts for you. Alternately, download then unzip, preserving the directory structure. You can then run bin\runemacs.exe or create a desktop shortcut to bin\runemacs.exe and start Emacs by double-clicking on that shortcut's icon.

Due to limited intellectual property protection and enforcementin certain countries, the JDK source code may only be distributedto an authorized list of countries. You will not be able to accessthe source code if you are downloading from a country that is noton this list. We are continuously reviewing this list for additionof other countries.

  • You might want to compare the checksums to verify the integrity of downloaded packages.The SHA256 checksums should be favored as the MD5 algorithm must be treated as insecure! SHA256 checksums, MD5 checksums

The binaries in this section for VirtualBox before version 4.0 are all released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL). As of VirtualBox 4.0, the Extension Pack is released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License and the other packages (including version 6.1.x) are released under the terms of the GPL version 2. By downloading, you agree to the terms and conditions of the respective license.

The VirtualBox sources are available free of charge under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 3. By downloading from the below links, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Hello,It seems not possible to archive and download files in a single zip file when working on server.The implemented procedure works perfectly running locally but I got this problem looking into the logile provided by the admin interface:

After downloading the appropriate G.Projector archive linked above, uncompress the archivefile on your desktop. Within is a README text file with an explanation of the contents of thedownload, instructions on how to launch the application, and some notes on possiblelaunch bugs and/or performance tuning.

Some Intel Mac users who have a second display attached to their Mac have reported thatG.Projector does not respond after they select an input file via the filechooser dialog.If you experience this, please download and try the version that uses the Java filechooser.

p.p1 margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica JBoss Application Server downloads starting from version 7.0 are hosted on Prior to version 7.0 they are hosted on For copyright purposes, a detailed source code change log is stored in the .log file.

Your freshly baked copy of QGIS is downloading. QGIS is free of charge, and will always be free of charge if downloaded from If you can afford to support the project and people making this software, please consider making a small donation to support our efforts. Whether you choose to donate or not, we hope that you enjoy using our labour of love and encourage you to share and spread your downloaded copy far and wide so that others may enjoy it too. Our very best regards!

The OSGeo4W installer is recommended for regular users or organization deployments. It allows to have several QGIS versions in one place, and to keep each component up-to-date individually without having to download the whole package. Since QGIS 3.20 we only ship 64-bit Windows executables.

To start up the Praat program, just double-click it.If you use Praat for the first time, choose Intro from the Help menu.4. Phonetic and international symbolsFor best results with phonetic characters in the TextGrid and Picture windows,you should also download the Charis SIL and/or the Doulos SIL font,which were created by the Summer Institute of Linguistics.To install them, first download their zip-files:CharisSIL-6.101.zipDoulosSIL-6.101.zipDouble-click the zip folders. You will see a folder called CharisSIL-6.101 or DoulosSIL-6.101; drag it out of the zip folder to your desktop.When you open the CharisSIL-6.101 or DoulosSIL-6.101 folders, you will see TrueType font files such asCharisSIL-Regular(.ttf), CharisSIL-Bold(.ttf), CharisSIL-Italic(.ttf), CharisSIL-BoldItalic(.ttf), and DoulosSIL-Regular(.ttf).To install a font, double-click its file and choose Install.

We pledge that our downloads are always free ofmalware, spyware, and adware. Furthermore, we refuse to bundle any softwareunrelated to Shotcut such as browser toolbars or download managers.However, we can only provide that guarantee if you come to this websiteto download.

  • Previous versions:Mirrors are none supportive links, if you want to support this projectplease use the main download.v1.41Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.41 LiteDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.41 MediumDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.41 HighDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.41 High-MotionblurDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.41 ExtremeDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.41 Extreme-Volumetric lightingDownload v1.32Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.32 LiteDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.32 MediumDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.32 HighDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.32 High-MotionblurDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.32 ExtremeDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.32 Extreme-Volumetric lightingDownload v1.31Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.31 LiteDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.31 MediumDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.31 HighDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.31 High-MotionblurDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.31 ExtremeDownloadSildur's Vibrant shaders v1.31 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shaders v1.20 HighDownload(mirror)Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.20 High-MotionblurDownload(mirror)Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.20 ExtremeDownload(mirror)Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.20 Extreme-Volumetric lightingDownload(mirror)v1.19Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.19 LiteDownload(mirror)Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.19 MediumDownload(mirror)Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.19 HighDownload(mirror)Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.19 High-MotionblurDownload(mirror)Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.19 ExtremeDownload(mirror)Sildur's Vibrant shaders v1.19 Extreme-Volumetric lightingDownload(mirror)v1.18Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.18 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.18 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.18 High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fpsHighest: 110fps - GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.18 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.18 Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fpsHighest: 85fps - GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.18 Extreme-Volumetric Lighting messes withskycolor, I prefer godraysv1.173Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.173Lite Recommended for Intel cards and weak systemsSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.173Medium Recommended for recording or older PCsSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.173High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fps Highest: 110fps -GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.173High-MotionblurSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.173Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fps Highest: 85fps -GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.173Extreme-Volumetric Lighting messes with skycolor, I prefergodraysv1.172Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.172Lite Recommended for Intel cards and weak systemsSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.172Medium Recommended for recording or older PCsSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.172High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fps Highest: 110fps -GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.172High-MotionblurSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.172Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fps Highest: 85fps -GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.172Extreme-Volumetric Lighting messes with skycolor, I prefergodraysv1.171 Alpha / v.1.1712 LiteSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.171 AlphaLite Recommended for Intel cards and weak systemsSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.171 AlphaMedium Recommended for recording or older PCsSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.171 AlphaHigh Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fps Highest: 110fps -GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.171 AlphaHigh-MotionblurSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.171 AlphaExtreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fps Highest: 85fps -GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.171 AlphaExtreme-Volumetric Lighting messes with skycolor, I prefergodraysSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.1712Litev1.17Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.17Lite Recommended for Intel cards and weak systemsSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.17Medium Recommended for recording or older PCsSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.17High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fps Highest: 110fps -GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.17High-MotionblurSildur's Vibrant shaders 1.17Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fps Highest: 85fps -GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur's Vibrant shaders 1.17Extreme-Volumetric Lighting messes with skycolor, I prefergodraysv1.166Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.166 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.166 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.166 High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fpsHighest: 110fps - GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.166 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.166 Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fpsHighest: 85fps - GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.166 Extreme-Volumetric Lighting WIPv1.153Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.153 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.153 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.153 High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fpsHighest: 110fps - GTX960@1080p view dist: 12Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.153 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.153 Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fpsHighest: 85fps - GTX960@1080p view dist: 12v1.141Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.141 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.141 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.141 High 85-100fps on aGTX960@1080pSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.141 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.141 Extreme 65-85fps on a GTX960@1080pv1.14Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.14 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.14 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.14 High 85-100fps on aGTX960@1080pSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.14 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.14 Extreme 65-85fps on a GTX960@1080pv1.13Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.13 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.13 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.13 High 75-100fps on GTX 770@1080pSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.13 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.13 Extreme 65-75fps on GTX 770@1080pv1.12Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.12 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.12 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.12 High 75-100fps on GTX 770@1080pSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.12 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.12 Extreme 65-75fps on GTX 770@1080pv1.10Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.10 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.10 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.10 High 75-100fps on GTX 770@1080pSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.10 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.10 Extreme 65-75fps on GTX 770@1080pv1.09Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.09 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.09 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.09 High 75-100fps on GTX 770@1080pSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.09 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.09 Extreme 65-75fps on GTX 770@1080pv1.08Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.08 Lite Recommended for Intel cards andweak systemsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.08 Medium Recommended for recording orolder PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.08 High 70-90fps on GTX 770@1080pSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.08 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.08 Extreme stable 60fps on GTX770@1080pv1.07 (Beta)Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.07 Medium (beta) Recommended for recordingor older PCsSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.07 High (beta) 80-100fps on GTX770@1080pSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.07 High-Motionblur (beta)Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.07 Extreme (beta) stable 60fps on GTX770@1080pv1.06Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.06 Medium Pick this one for smooth gameplayand recording, usually above 60fps.Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.06 High Quite heavier compared to medium.Running at constant 60fps on my GTX 770 tho.Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.06 High-MotionblurSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.06 Extreme Self explaining.v1.054v1.054 is more fantasy like compared to v1.06.Last updated on 10/03/15.v1.054:Fixed flickering issue

  • Reworked lite preset completly.

  • Acacia and Dark oak leaves are now also waving in the wind

  • Sildur'sVibrant shaders 1.054 LiteSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.054 MediumSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.054 HighSildur'sVibrant shaders 1.054 Ultrav1.053LiteMediumHighUltrav1.051LiteMediumHighUltrav1.05LiteMediumHighUltrav1.032v1.032, released November 21, 2016.Changelog:Fixed day/night transition

  • Fixed handheld items brightness

  • Night is less dark

  • Fixed emissive block lighting strength

  • Nether and End now use my basic shaders

MaxMax - noDOFv1.031v1.031, released: May, 31, 2016.changes: Improved night time, removed option: NightIsTooDarkForMe.MaxMax - noDOFv1.03RegularIntelMaxMax, no depthof

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