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Dobrynya Kirillov
Dobrynya Kirillov

Movie The Dark Knight Rises Download Free

Some people accused The Dark Knight of being a pro-police-state movie back when it came out in 2008. Batman was (is) an insanely rich, emotionally-motivated man with the means to alter the lives of many people without their democratic say. Yes, he saves the day and means well, but he used a form of hyper-surveillance to achieve the kind of security required to stop a modern terrorist like the Joker. Comparisons to the Bush administration's then-relevant and now-outdated War on Terror were made, suggesting that Batman was an analogy for our previous president. He was driven, perhaps misguided, in his quest for security, contrasting scarily against the Joker's chaos, a force of destruction, rather than one of "freedom." However, Batman was repentant, and refused to rise to the level the Joker assumed would be required.

Movie The Dark Knight Rises Download Free

Here's where things will become frustrating for movie-goers. Hollywood is a distinctly left-leaning culture. Movies idolize the misunderstood, counter-culture outsider that means well -- a freedom fighter that loves the people. In this case though, Bane, the painkiller-addicted villain, has the love of the people. Batman is siding with the cops against the poor and defenseless that have grown to resent him for supposedly killing the martyred Harvey Dent at the end of the last movie.

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Wikia recently made an exclusive announcement for The FireRises, a free-to-play game tie-in to the much anticipated The DarkKnight Rises. While we still have to wait another month for thefilm, Warner Bros. Games has moved the release date of The FireRises. The game is available now! Visit to checkout this free-to-play strategy game and loot Gotham City withBane. has introduced the Amazon Instant Video App, enabling customers to stream or download Amazon Instant Video movies and TV episodes from their video library directly on their iPhone or iPod touch.

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